Title: | Robber Bare 'Uns |
Issue: | 4 |
Written by: | Joelle Sellner |
Art: | Francesco Gerbino |
Cover: | Lorenzo Lizana |
ASIN: | B00S7IXBQ2 |
Publication Date: | January 13, 2015 |
Publisher: | Lion Forge Comics |
Print Length: | 28 Pages |
Rating: | T (Teen) |
Genre: | Action, Adventure, Comedy, Romance, Superhero |
Issue Description:
When Yaya uses her invisibility powers to trail Bettina, she finds out that a sinister plot is underway. Can Yaya use her powers to stop this crime before it's too late?
Yaya Han (costume designer and Ambassador for Cosplay) is reimagined as an aspiring costume designer who gets stranded across the country after a mugging. Desperate to return home, she volunteers for a medical study.