Title: | "Spring Dance Fever" |
Written by: | Joelle Sellner |
Art and Cover by: | Chynna Clugston Flores |
Colors by: | Lisa Moore |
Letters by: | Sam Cipriano |
Issue: | 208 |
Publication Date: | September 14, 2016 |
Publisher: | Roar Comics, a division of Lion Forge Comics |
Print Length: | 28 Pages |
Issue Description:
With the spring dance coming up, Zack and Slater's competition over Kelly heats up! Slater sends her flowers, while Zack tries to top it with a gorilla-suited balloon-a-gram. But she still can't make up her mind. Jessie swears Lisa to secrecy and confides that she'll be crushed if Kelly and Slater go to the dance together. Will Jessie's hopes be dashed? Is Zack finally going to have the date with Kelly he's been dreaming of? Find out in the final issue of freshman year at Bayside High!
I'm so excited, I'm SO... Ready for new Saved by the Bell! Zack, Kelly, Jessie, Lisa, Slater, and Screech are all getting sent back to Freshman year in all-new comic book adventures at good ol' Bayside High! Mid-terms, hangin' at The Max, getting that first date, escaping Mr. Belding's detention hall... Experience all the ups and downs of high school in the year 2014 with some old familiar friends. Need a reason to break out those acid washed jeans? Missing your old scrunchie? It's alright, 'cause we're back with the Bell!